Wednesday, September 26, 2007

using Indexing Server from .NET

I had to write the Indexing Server code to search within the file in VB6 and I again had to write it but this time in .net. Following is the Simplest way we can get the same thing done in .NET.
You have to have your Catalog created in your Indexing Server in Component Management Console (Start->run->Compmgmt.msc)

string strCat = "DWF"; //Your Catalog in Index Server
string strQuery = "Select DocTitle,Filename,Size,PATH,URL from SCOPE() where FREETEXT('" + Convert.ToChar(34) + text + Convert.ToChar(34) + "')";
//CONTAINS(Contents, '" + TextBox1 + "')";
//FREETEXT('" + TextBox1.Text + "')";
string conStr = "Provider=MSIDXS.1;Integrated Security .='';Data Source='" + strCat + "'";
cn.ConnectionString = conStr;
OleDbDataAdapter DA = new OleDbDataAdapter(strQuery, cn);
DataSet testDataSet = new DataSet();
//Bind DataGrid to the DataSet. DataGrid is the ID for the
//DataGrid control in the HTML section.

DataView source = new DataView(testDataSet.Tables[0]);
GridView1.DataSource = source;


Useful .net Code Examples

101 Useful .net Code Examples
I found them Useful!!
some of them needs AdventureWorks Database installed and configured on your machine with SQL Server 2005 Express
if you can’t install the Database with the AdventureWorksDB.Msi on above page,
try AdventureWorksDBScript.msi. It’s the Database Script and you need to run it to create the Database.
Make sure @data_path is set perfectly. It should be the path of the directory where you have install the script files in the MSI installer.
I had to change it as follows
SET @data_path = 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\tools\Samples\AdventureWorks OLTP\';
Or it wasn’t doing the BULK Inserts because it wasn’t finding the path of .CSV files that also gets installed by the MSI.
Happy Learning!!

Multithreading Article

This link consists some very good articles on Multithreading!!
the Article
Enjoy !